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I only claim the names that are in BOLD type print, I have no other information on the other individuals IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE PAGES PLEASE EMAIL
chelle_shonk # YAHOO.COM
INDEX TO WILLS : 1784 to 1919 inclusive
(these are the only pages I have in my possession. I post them to show people of the following SURNAMES that there is a will. I suggest either going to the Louisville Free Public Library site or KDLA and making a request.)
Ev Surnames Kl Surnames Qu Surnames Ru Surnames
Misc Naturalization INFO
Per Nettie Oliver at The Filson Club Historical Society - index to naturalizations - James Knight from Ireland Oct. 5, 1897, filed in the Jefferson County Circuit Court.
Pg. #379, Book # 7.
She also goes on to write, "Many of the naturalization books are missing, even though the index tells that a person did apply."
County Court Book 44 - 45 (1877 - 1889) Page 309
Wednesday October 31, 1888
(ONLY PARTIAL OF this STATEMENT) thereupon came William Lankert a citizen of the United States of America and made oath according to law thereupon came Jacob Hartstein and renounzed [sic] all allegiance to the Emperor it is thereupon ordered that he be admitted and sworn as a citizen of the United States of America.
Came Louis Koestel a native of France and exhibited a record of having declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States of America in Louisville Ky on August 5, 1882. Whereupon came M Herrman a citizen of the United States and made oath according to law, thereupon came Louis Koestel and renounzed [sic] all allegiance to the Emperor it is thereupon ordered that he be admitted and sworn as a citizen of the United States of America.
The settlement of Emma Win [sic] a Guardian of M. Burkhart, A. Burkhart, + K.E. Burkhart, was returned, fit a[sic] and laid over.
The following account for necessary well bound books was forwarded to Court by Bradley and Gilbert Co. amounting to One hundred and forty one Dollars and Seventy five cents which was sworn to The Bradley and Gilbert Co allowed and ordered to be copied and certified to the Auditor for payment viz: --[sic]
The Commonwealth of Kentucky
1888 To the Bradley + Gilbert Co Dr
Aug 29. - 1 Record 14.00
Oct 13. - 5 Record of Transfer 64.75
Oct 16. 3 - 8 gr deed books 39.00
3 - double indexes 24.00
Came Robert Knight a native of England and made oath that he came to the United States of America a minor under the age of 18 years, that he has resided in the United for over 5 years last past that he renounzed [sic] all allegiance to the Queen Victoria it is thereupon ordered that he be admitted and sworn as a citizen of the United States of America.
Harris to Ruckstuhl
This Indenture made the Jany 6th 1897 by and between Lou M. Harris of first part and Lucretia Ruckstuhl of the second part Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of $2700.00 paid by second to said first party the said first party hereby sells and conveys to second party the following property in Louisville Ky viz.
Beginning at the South East corner of 26th and Congress street thence South along the East side of 26th street 22 1/4 feet and back Eastwardly the same width between lines paralell with Congress street 121 1/4 feet to a 10 foot alley
To have and to hold said property unto second party for her heirs and assigns with Covenant of General Warranty
In testimony whereof the said first party hereun to sets her hand the day + year of aforesaid
signed Lou M. Harris
Jhn C Johnson [sic] Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County in the State of Kentucky do certify that on this day a 330 P.M the foregoing deed was produced to me in my office and acknowledged and delivered by Lou M Harris a party thereto to be her act and deed, and that I have recorded it and this certificate in my said office
Witness my hand this 6th day of January 1897
Wm P. Johnson Clerk
By Walter Ratcliffe D.C.
Porter To Fidelity Trust Safety Vault Company
This Deed made and entered into this 7th day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven by and between Anna J. Porter and George F Porter her husband of the County of Jefferson and State of Kentucky parties of the first part; and the Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault Company of Louisville Kentucky party of the second part Witnesseth That said first parties in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration herein after set forth have granted bargained and sold, and do hereby coming to said second party, and to its successors and assigns, all their interest in a certain lot or parcel or tract of land in Jefferson County Kentucky, with the appurtenances thereto, the improvements then....... (bottom of page is black)
This page is pretty faded so please bear with me on my spelling
John C Gudy Justice [sic] of Catherine Ann Oldham by G. A. Caldwell recorded in DB 114 page 507 office of the Jefferson County Clerk To have and to hold the same together with all the appurtenances [sic] therewith belonging or in any wise appertaining mute [sic] the party of the third part ......and a ...... forever with Covenant of Ginerd [sic] Warranty in the part of the said second party.
Said second party has also an rendefeas .... title to the property Lemin Canveyed and Lors Wamack [sic] the same against all in cumbrances and taxes to date
Said first party any [sic] wowmicerts as Finster[sic] of said second party
In Testimony when of witness the signature of said first and second parties the day and date first above written
Jos Robb Trustee of
Catherine Ann Oldham
J Wm P Johnson Cond of the County Court of Jefferson County in the state of Kentucky do certify that on this day at 600 P.M the foregoing deed was produced to me in my office and acknowledged and delivered by Jos Robb a party thereto to be his act and deed as Trustee of Catherine Ann Oldham and by Catherine Ann Oldham a party therto to be her act and deed and that I have recorded it and this certified in my said office
Witness my hand this 5th day of May 1897
Wm P Johnson Clerk
By B.O. Hern DC
Knight to Knight
This Deed Between Julia Knight widow of William Knight of Jefferson Co Ky of the first part and Thomas M Knight of Jefferson County Ky of the second part
Witnesseth that the said party of the first part in consideration of One dollar Cash in hand paid and other valuable Considerations the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby sell grant and convey to the party of the second part his heir and assign the factowiry disturbed[sic] property - Jefferson County Kentucky namely a certain lot of land with the mupiour [sic].....(the page turns black on the next line)
(ONLY PARTIAL OF this STATEMENT) certify that on this day at 310 O'clock P.M. the foregoing Mortgage was produced to me in my office, and acknowledged and delivered by J. Henry Linn and Celara V his wife parties thereto to be their act and deed. And that it have recorded it and this certificate in my said office.
Witness my hand this 7th day of May 1891
Geo H Webb Clerk
by Walter Ratbyne[sic] Deputy Clerk
Rice to Baldeker
This Deed
Between W. J. Rice Bachelor, party of the first part. The Standard Land Company, party of the second, and Joseph Baldeker. party of the third part. Witnesseth: That the said partied of the first + second parts in consideration .. the sum of two Hundred and Eighty-seven and twenty one hundredths dollars ($287.21) paid and to be paid as follows. to wit One Hundred and Twelve Dollars ($112.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is here acknowledged, One Hundred Dollars($... payable on (page goes black to bottom of page)
At a County Court held for Jefferson County at the Court House in the City of Louisville on the 12th day of January 1897 the foregoing instrument of writing pruporting to be the last will and testament of Margaretha Oesterle deceased, late of this County was produced in Court and proven by the testimony of David Schweitzer one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto, who also proved the attestation of Agnes Gerot the other subscribing witness thereto; whereupon the same was established by the Court to be the last will and testament of said testatrix and ordered to be recorded, and is recorded in my office as Clerk of said Court
Attest Wm P Johnson Clerk
I J. George
Ruckstuhl being of sound mind and disposing memory do make publish and declare
this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking any other will heretofore
made by me. After my just debts and funeral expenses are paid I give and
bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real personal and
mixed to my beloved wife Lucretia Ruckstuhl. I appoint my said wife Lucretia
sole executrix and request that she be permitted to qualify without bond I
request that no inventory of my estate be taken.
Louisville Ky Nov 19th 1895
J. George Ruckstuhl
We the undersigned subscribe our names hereto as witnesses to the foregoing last will of J. George Ruckstuhl at his request and in his presence and the signed the same in our presence and all sign in the presence of each other. Louisville Ky Nov 19 1895
Henry Schanzenbacher
Frank Fehr
At a County Court held for Jefferson County at the Court House in the City of Louisville on the 12th day of January 1897 the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of J. George Ruckstuhl deceased late of this County was produced in Court and proven by the testimony of Frank Fehr one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who also proved the attestation of Henry Schanzenbacher the other subscribing witness thereto; whereupon the same was established by the Court to be the last will and testament of said testator and order to be recorded, and is recorded in my office as Clerk of Said Court
Attest Wm P Johnson Clerk
The Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Hein
I. I Elizabeth Hein, bring in sound mind and of clear memory and Judgment do hereby make and declare this instrument of writing to be my Last Will and Testament and I hereby revoke any and all other Wills and Testaments heretofore made by me.
II. I direct all my first debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
III. I hereby give devise and bequeath in fee simple all and every piece of real estate wherever located of which I die possesed and also all my mixed and personal property whereever located and without reserve, to my only surviving son, Val Speed, with full power hereby invested in him to sell, convey, and dispose of all of said property as he might desire, or retain the same at his pleasure.
IV. After the settlement of all just claims against my estate and within six (6) months after my deceased hereby direct my son and executor Val Speed to give to Leana Meyer one $100.00 hundred dollars for her own absolute disposal use and benefit.
V. I hereby appoint my son Val Speed the executor of this my last Will and Testament and desire the Hou Court to allow him to qualify as such without bond.
In testimony hereof I have hereto attached my signature this the 11th day of August 1896.
Elizabeth Heim
We the undersigned witnesses in the presence of each other and in the presence of the testator and at the testators instance and request have hereto attached our signatures as witnesses of her signature hereto and her acknowledged of same
Thomas Walsh
T. Przykucki
This is a partial naturalization record for a Samuel Cohen
Whereupon the said Samuel Cohen declared in oath in open court that he would well and truly support the Constitution of the United States of America and that he did forever absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure[sic] all allegiance and fidelity to any and every foreign Prince Potentate State or Sovereignty whatever and particularly to Alexander Nicholus Emperor of Russia to whom he has hitherto owed allegiance.
Created: 18 Mar 2007